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Profile :: [Audio-4U] (C82) Notebook Records — YATSUZAKI HARDCORE VOLUME 2 [NBCD-008] (flac+scans)

Date2012-10-02 at 08:51 Central US (UTC -9:00)

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Current releases

[Leopard-Raws] Campione! Matsurowanu Kamigami to Kami Koroshi no Maou (MX 1280x720 x264 AAC)
[Leopard-Raws] Joshiraku (TBS 1280x720 x264 AAC)
[Leopard-Raws] Kokoro Connect (MX 1280x720 x264 AAC)
[Leopard-Raws] Eureka Seven Ao (TBS 1280x720 x264 AAC)
[Leopard-Raws] Kono Naka ni Hitori, Imouto ga Iru! (TBS 1280x720 x264 AAC)
[Leopard-Raws] Kyoukaisen-jou no Horizon II (MX 1280x720 x264 AAC)
[Leopard-Raws] Koi to Senkyo to Chocolate (TBS 1280x720 x264 AAC)
[Leopard-Raws] Dog Days` (MX 1280x720 x264 AAC)
[Leopard-Raws] Oda Nobuna no Yabou (TX 1280x720 x264 AAC)
[Leopard-Raws] Natsuyuki Rendezvous (CX 1280x720 x264 AAC)

Related Links and files

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[Audio-4U] Alstroemeria Records 2.1 (vorbis) (Profile)
[Audio-4U] Alstroemeria Records 3.0 (flac) (Profile)
[Audio-4U] Alstroemeria Records 3.0 (vorbis) (Profile)
[Audio-4U] Alstroemeria Records 4.0 (flac) (Profile)
[Audio-4U] Alstroemeria Records 4.0 (vorbis) (Profile)
[Audio-4U] Alstroemeria Records 5.0 (flac) (Profile)
[Audio-4U] Alstroemeria Records 5.0 (vorbis) (Profile)
[Audio-4U] Alstroemeria Records 6.0 (flac) (Profile)
[Audio-4U] Alstroemeria Records 6.0 (vorbis) (Profile)
[Audio-4U] Amateras Records 1.0 (flac) (Profile)
[Audio-4U] Amateras Records 1.0 (vorbis) (Profile)
[Audio-4U] (C79) Lolita Comp Records — 妖精酒乱大戦 (東方) [LCCD-0004] (flac+scans) (Profile)
[Audio-4U] (C80) Frozen System Records — ICEBOUND (東方) [FSRD-014] (flac+cue+scans) (Profile)
[Audio-4U] (C81) salvation by faith records — We Bros X [SBFR-0027 8] (flac+scans) (Profile)
[Audio-4U] (C82) Alstroemeria Records — THE WORLD DESTINATION (東方) [ARCD0038] (flac+scans) (Profile)
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[Audio-4U] (C82) UOM Records — Kick's For Liberation 4 [USAO-07] (flac+scans) (Profile)
[Audio-4U] (C83) Alstroemeria Records — DOMINATED DANCEHALL [ARCD0039] (flac+scans) (Profile)
[Audio-4U] (C83) BURNING CHROME RECORDS (DJ DEPATH) — Makina Exclamation G [BCDPT002] (flac) (Profile)
[Audio-4U] (C83) HARDCORE OMORO — Hardcore LiberaLism Null [HOCD-0010] (flac+scans) (Profile)
[Audio-4U] (C83) HARDCORE TANO*C (DJ Noriken vs P*Light) — RADIANCE [TCPLUS-0010] (flac+scans) (Profile)
[Audio-4U] (C83) HARDCORE TANO*C — SPEED BALL GT [TCPLUS-0009] (flac+scans) (Profile)
[Audio-4U] (C83) Japanese Stream Hardcore — Japanese Stream Hardcore Vol.2 [JSH002] (flac+scans) (Profile)
[Audio-4U] (C83) Kusemono Records (CIO) — The First (flac) (Profile)
[Audio-4U] (C83) LiLA'c Records — with GOD (東方) [LLAC-0014] (flac+scans) (Profile)
[Audio-4U] (C83) NOTEBOOK RECORDS (RoughSketch) — BREAKING THE RULES [NBCD009] (flac) (Profile)
[Audio-4U] (C83) Psycho Filth Records (RedOgre vs moro) — 鬼殺し -THE OGRE KILLER- [PFSP-001] (flac+scans) (Profile)
[Audio-4U] (C83) ShibayanRecords — マジコカタストロフィ (東方) [STAL-1202] (flac) (Profile)
[Audio-4U] (C83) Snow*Mark — Ogre's HARDCORE (東方) (flac+scans) (Profile)
[Audio-4U] (C83) UOM Records (Shandy Kubota) — ShandyBass [USAO-08] (flac+scans) (Profile)
[Audio-4U] (C83) Wahhei Records — Evolve [WRCD-001] (flac+scans) (Profile)
[Audio-4U] (C84) Alstroemeria Records — POP | CULTURE (東方) [ARCD0041] (flac+scans) (Profile)
[Audio-4U] (C84) Alstroemeria Records — REBIRTH DANCEHALL (東方) [ARCD0041.1] (flac) (Profile)
[Audio-4U] (C84) Chromesphere Records (syatten) — Spherepolis [CRCD-0002] (flac+scans) (Profile)
[Audio-4U] (C84) HARDCORE TANO*C — HARDCORE SYNDROME 7 [TANOCD-0014] (flac+scans) (Profile)
[Audio-4U] (C84) Karashic Records — DIGITAL PHANTASM (東方) (flac+scans) (Profile)
[Audio-4U] (C84) LiLA&rsquoc Records — FEATHER (東方) [LLAC-0016] (flac+scans) (Profile)
[Audio-4U] (C84) Rolling Contact — HARDCORE BARRAGE 4 [LOLI-0037] (flac) (Profile)
[Audio-4U] (C84) S2TB Records — HARDCORE UNITED TOKYO [S2TB-0007 8] (flac) (Profile)
[Audio-4U] (C85) Alstroemeria Records — DECADE OF EXPOSE (東方) [ARCD0042] (flac+scans) (Profile)
[Audio-4U] (C85) Amateras Records — Amateras Records Exclusive Disc 2013 Winter (東方) [AMRS-0011] (flac) (Profile)
[Audio-4U] (C85) Amateras Records — Infinity Asterisk (東方) [AMRC-0017] (flac) (Profile)
[Audio-4U] (C85) Amateras Records — Radical Destruction the Instrumental (東方) [AMRC-0016] (flac) (Profile)
[Audio-4U] (C85) HARDCORE TANO*C — TANO*C REMIXES 3 [TCPLUS-0012] (flac+scans) (Profile)
[Audio-4U] (C85) Rolling Contact — TOUHOU meets HARDCORE 2 (東方) [LOLI-0039] (flac) (Profile)
[Audio-4U] (C86) Alstroemeria Records — FLASHLIGHT (東方) [ARCD0045] (flac+scans) (Profile)
[Audio-4U] (C86) Amateras Records — Crevice of Darkness (東方) [AMRC-0022] (flac) (Profile)
[Audio-4U] (C86) LiLA&rsquoc Records — TOHO SPEED 02 (東方) [LLAC-0019] (flac+scans) (Profile)
[Audio-4U] (C86) UOM Records (Shandy Kubota) — Shandybass 2 [USAO-009] (flac+scans) (Profile)
[Audio-4U] (C87) Alstroemeria Records — POP|CULTURE 2 (東方) [ARCD0046] (flac) (Profile)
[Audio-4U] (C87) Amateras Records — Hopeful Jasper (艦これ) [AMRC-0025] (flac+scans) (Profile)
[Audio-4U] (C87) Amateras Records — Unrequited Hearts (東方) [AMRC-0026] (flac) (Profile)
[Audio-4U] (C87) HARDCORE TANO*C — SPEED BALL EVOLUTION Limited MIX CD (flac+scans) (Profile)
[Audio-4U] (C87) HARDCORE TANO*C — SPEED BALL EVOLUTION [TCPLUS-0014] (flac+scans) (Profile)
[Audio-4U] (C87) LiLA&rsquoc Records — Other place Single CD (東方) (flac+scans) (Profile)
[Audio-4U] (C87) LiLA&rsquoc Records — TOHO SPEED 03 (東方) [LLAC-0020] (flac+scans) (Profile)
[Audio-4U] (C87) ShibayanRecords — Adrastea (東方) [STAL-1403] (flac+scans) (Profile)
[Audio-4U] (C87) UOM Records & Massive CircleZ — BREAK OUT (flac+scans) (Profile)
[Audio-4U] (C89) Kusemono Records — ノコギリシャルロット -Black Label- [KMSN-32 33] (flac) (Profile)
[Audio-4U] (C89) Riparia Records — SOARING [RPCD-0002] (flac+scans) (Profile)
[Audio-4U] en;Dolphin Records 1.0 (flac) (Profile)
[Audio-4U] en;Dolphin Records 1.0 (vorbis) (Profile)
[Audio-4U] ENERGIZE JP RECORDS — ENERGETIC TRANCE 03 [ENR-CD004] (flac) (Profile)
[Audio-4U] KONAMI — beatnation RHYZE vs HARDCORE TANOxC [LC2216] (flac) (Profile)
[Audio-4U] LiLA&rsquoc Records 2.0 (flac) (Profile)
[Audio-4U] LiLA&rsquoc Records 2.0 (vorbis) (Profile)
[Audio-4U] LiLA'c Records 1.0 (flac) (Profile)
[Audio-4U] LiLA'c Records 1.0 (vorbis) (Profile)
[Audio-4U] (M3-27) Eyeks Records — anteDoze [EYEKS​-​05] (flac+scans) (Profile)
[Audio-4U] (M3-28) Eyeks Records — lostWorld [EYEKS​-​06​] (flac+scans) (Profile)
[Audio-4U] (M3-29) Akashic Records — 幸せの国 (flac+scans) (Profile)
[Audio-4U] (M3-29) AsianDynasty Records (Kuniaki Takenaga) — SILVER SPHERE DRONE [INBT-1201] (flac+scans) (Profile)
[Audio-4U] (M3-29) Cyberaser Records — Pathos [CRTX-001] (flac+cue+scans) (Profile)
[Audio-4U] (M3-29) FTRecords — Broken Border Broadcast (東方) (flac+scans) (Profile)
[Audio-4U] (M3-29) HARDCORE OMORO — OMORO Trance Sensation [HOCD-0006] (flac+scans) (Profile)
[Audio-4U] (M3-29) Illegal wave Records — Out of Control [IWRCD003] (flac+cue+scans) (Profile)
[Audio-4U] (M3-29) KANKITSU RECORDS — マジカルチェンジコンピ!! [MMCD-0001] (flac+scans) (Profile)
[Audio-4U] (M3-29) KANKITSU RECORDS — 夕日色の列車 [KRCD-0001] (flac+scans) (Profile)
[Audio-4U] (M3-29) Notebook “Delight” Records (DJ Laugh & DJ IKKODATE) — UPPERMOST HARDCORE GORILLA [NBDCD-001] (flac+cue+scans) (Profile)
[Audio-4U] (M3-29) Psycho Filth Records — THE PSYCHO FILTH vol.5 -Paradox Prison- [PFCD-004] (flac+cue+scans) (Profile)
[Audio-4U] (M3-29) SOLIDBOX RECORDS — SOLIDCORE IV [SBCD-003] (flac+scans) (Profile)
[Audio-4U] (M3-30) AsianDynasty Records — ALICE IN STEAMLAND [INBT-1202] (flac+scans) (Profile)
[Audio-4U] (M3-30) ATOS Records (Blue Train) — ITTOKE BURST [ATOS 14] (flac+scans) (Profile)
[Audio-4U] (M3-30) Cyberaser Records — Logos [CRTX-002] (flac+scans) (Profile)
[Audio-4U] (M3-30) HARDCORE OMORO — ShortCircuit [HOCD-0009] (flac+scans) (Profile)
[Audio-4U] (M3-30) Illegal wave Records — Our Lost Ones [IWRCD-004] (flac+scans) (Profile)
[Audio-4U] (M3-30) KANKITSU RECORDS — マジカルチェンジコンピ!! 2A [KRCD-0003] (flac+scans) (Profile)
[Audio-4U] (M3-30) KANKITSU RECORDS — マジカルチェンジコンピ!! 2B [KRCD-0004] (flac+scans) (Profile)
[Audio-4U] (M3-30) Kusemono Records — BASSCORE [KSMN-018] (flac+scans) (Profile)
[Audio-4U] (M3-30) LiLA’c Records (ILL) — Helical Addiction [LLAC-0013] (flac+scans) (Profile)
[Audio-4U] (M3-30) Ontembaar Ster Records — Actek [OSCD-006] (flac+scans) (Profile)
[Audio-4U] (M3-30) Ontembaar Ster Records — Ontembaar Free Works #2 [OSEX-002] (flac+scans) (Profile)
[Audio-4U] (M3-30) Psycho Filth Records — THE PSYCHO FILTH vol.6 -Distorted Desire- [PFCD-005] (flac+scans) (Profile)
[Audio-4U] (M3-30) Re-Endz.Recordingz — Hardcore Basslinerz [RZHCBL-001] (flac+scans) (Profile)
[Audio-4U] (M3-30) SOLIDBOX RECORDS — SOLIDCORE V [SBCD-004] (flac+scans) (Profile)
[Audio-4U] (M3-31) AsianDynasty Records — Summer Night Fever [ADMS-1301] (flac+scans) (Profile)
[Audio-4U] (M3-31) HARDCORE TANO*C — TANO*C TOUR 2013 the Anthem [TCPLUS-0011] (flac+scans) (Profile)
[Audio-4U] (M3-32) 100sec Records (xi) — Agartha (flac) (Profile)
[Audio-4U] (M3-32) Cyberaser Records — Mythos [CRTX-004] (flac) (Profile)
[Audio-4U] (M3-32) DYNASTY RECORDS — MEGATROPOLIS -DYNASTY COLLECTIVE VOL.2- [DNCD-008] (flac+scans) (Profile)
[Audio-4U] (M3-32) YTR RECORDS — Conquistador Equipments (flac+scans) (Profile)
[Audio-4U] (M3-35) AlphaVersion Records — GRADIENT [AVRS-0005] (flac) (Profile)
[Audio-4U] Pinokiti Records 1.0 (flac) (Profile)
[Audio-4U] Pinokiti Records 1.0 (vorbis) (Profile)
[Audio-4U] ShibayanRecords 1.1 (flac) (Profile)
[Audio-4U] ShibayanRecords 1.1 (vorbis) (Profile)
[Audio-4U] (ふぁーすと3) salvation by faith records — Raichu FanDisc [SBFR-0029, SSEB-0019] (flac+scans) (Profile)
[Audio-4U] (例大祭10) Alstroemeria Records — DEGENERATE DANCEHALL (東方) [ARCD0040] (flac+scans) (Profile)
[Audio-4U] (例大祭10) Amateras Records — Emotionally Resonance the Instrumental (東方) [AMRC-0012] (flac+scans) (Profile)
[Audio-4U] (例大祭10) LiLA&rsquoc Records — Vernal (東方) [LLAC-0015] (flac+scans) (Profile)
[Audio-4U] (例大祭10) ShibayanRecords — TOHO BOSSA NOVA 2 (東方) [STAL-1301] (flac+scans) (Profile)
[Audio-4U] (例大祭11) Alstroemeria Records — CLOUD 9 (東方) [ARCD0043] (flac+scans) (Profile)
[Audio-4U] (例大祭11) Alstroemeria Records — THIS ISN/T BEST (東方) [ARCD0044] (flac+scans) (Profile)
[Audio-4U] (例大祭11) ShibayanRecords — TOHO BOSSA NOVA 3 (東方) [STAL-1401] (flac+scans) (Profile)
[Audio-4U] (例大祭9) Alstroemeria Records — ABANDONED DANCEHALL [ARCD0037] (flac+cue+scans) (Profile)
[Audio-4U] (例大祭9) Amateras Records — Dilemmatic Sorcery (東方) [AMRC-0006] (flac+scans) (Profile)
[Audio-4U] (例大祭9) ARMのArmageddon Records — distant (東方) [ARM-0002] (flac+scans) (Profile)
[Audio-4U] (例大祭9) BubbleRecords — 514 (東方) [BR-0016] (flac+scans) (Profile)
[Audio-4U] (例大祭9) Frozen System Records — Violent Dancehall (東方) [FSRD-021] (flac+scans) (Profile)
[Audio-4U] (例大祭9) LiLA'c Records — Eternize (東方) [LLAC-0011] (flac+scans) (Profile)
[Audio-4U] (例大祭9) salvation by faith records — 魔法少女 にとり★マギカ (東方) [SSEB-0022] (flac+scans) (Profile)
[Audio-4U] (例大祭9) ShibayanRecords — TOHO BOSSA NOVA (東方) [STAL-1201] (flac+scans) (Profile)
[Audio-4U] (東方紅楼夢8) Amateras Records — Amateras Records Sampler.04 (flac+scans) (Profile)
[Audio-4U] (東方紅楼夢8) Amateras Records — Unlogical Trick the instrumental [AMRC-0010] (flac+scans) (Profile)
[EAC] (C82) (同人音楽) [SS|EX] SS|EX Compelation Album Volume.03 (flac+cue).rar (Profile)

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